A: Remember me (Shelly Coburn) 2'08"
B: Just once more (Al Western) 2'13"
(RCA Victor - 47-8420 [1964])
A: Wait for me (Sylvia Dee - Arthur Kent) 2'27"
B: It's not easy (Bernabini - George D. Weiss) 2'52"
(RCA Victor - 47-8538 [1965])
A: Eyes of mine (Occhi miei) (Rossi - Marrocchi - Paul) 2'52" *
B: I don't wanna be hurt (Toni Wie - Harvey Fisher) 2'10"
* (Sung in English)
(RCA Victor - 47-8612 [1965])
A: Right now (Teddy Randazzo - Wilbur Meshel) 2'06"
B: Oh my mama (Wertmüller - Rota - Paul) 2'40"
(RCA Victor - 47-9051 [1966])
A: Heart (B. Mann - C. Weil) 2'06"
B: The man who made music (Rota - Bruno) 2'06" *
* ("The man who makes the music" is the correct title of the song)
(POLYDOR - PD 2-15011 [1969])
A: 'Til tomorrow (Mayer - Buschor - Mason) 3'03"
B: Try it and see (Rice - Lloyd Weber) 2'49"
* * *
(RCA Victor - 47-8212 [1963]) * #
A: Cuore (Heart) (Rossi - Mann - Weil) 2'15" **
B: Il ballo del mattone (Verde - Canfora) 2'15"
* (Standard sleeve without photo)
** (Sung in Italian)
# (Recorded in Italy - Made in U.S.A.)
(RCA Victor - 47-8365 [1964])
A: Remember me (Shelly Coburn) 2'08"
B: Just once more (Al Western) 2'13"
(RCA Victor - 47-8420 [1964])
A: Wait for me (Sylvia Dee - Arthur Kent) 2'27"
B: It's not easy (Bernabini - George D. Weiss) 2'52"
(RCA Victor - 47-8538 [1965])
A: Eyes of mine (Occhi miei) (Rossi - Marrocchi - Paul) 2'52" *
B: I don't wanna be hurt (Toni Wie - Harvey Fisher) 2'10"
* (Sung in English)
(RCA Victor - 47-8612 [1965])
B: Oh my mama (Wertmüller - Rota - Paul) 2'40"
(RCA Victor - 47-9051 [1966])
A: Heart (B. Mann - C. Weil) 2'06"
B: The man who made music (Rota - Bruno) 2'06" *
* ("The man who makes the music" is the correct title of the song)
(POLYDOR - PD 2-15011 [1969])
A: 'Til tomorrow (Mayer - Buschor - Mason) 3'03"
B: Try it and see (Rice - Lloyd Weber) 2'49"
* * *
(RCA Italiana - PML 10350 [1963]) *
1-Abbiamo 16 anni (Verde - Canfora) I Collettoni della TV
2-La partita di pallone (Rossi - Vianello)
3-Clementine cherie (Camucia - Tallino) (Dal film omonimo) **
4-T'ho conosciuto (Rossi - Dansavio)
5-Sul cucuzzolo (Vianello - Rossi - Vianello)
6-Le lentiggini (Verde - Canfora)
1-Come te non c'è nessuno (Migliacci - Vassallo)
2-Pel di carota (Migliacci - Morricone)
3-Alla mia età (Rossi - Robifer)
4-La commessa (Rossi - Piccioni)
5-Il ballo del mattone (Verde - Canfora)
6-Amore twist (Bovenzi)
* (Recorded in Italy - Made in U.S.A.)
** (Sung in Italian)
(RCA Italiana - PML 10360 [1963]) *
1-Non è facile avere 18 anni (Bernabini)
2-Somigli ad un'oca (Your baby's gone surfin') (Migliacci - D. Eddy - L. Hazlewood) **
3-Ti vorrei parlare (Rossi - Ferrante)
4-Se fossi un uomo (Wenn ich ein Junge wär') (Rossi - Buchholz - Loose - Müller) **
5-Quando sogno (On the sunny side of the street) (Gagis - McHugh) **
6-Cuore (Rossi - Mann - Weil)
1-Che m'importa del mondo (Migliacci - Enríquez)
2-Son finite le vacanze (Rossi - Pelleschi)
3-Bianco Natale (White Christmas) (Berlin - Devilli) **
4-Non c'è un po' di pentimento (Gianni Meccia)
5-Sotto il francobollo (Rossi - Enríquez)
6-Auguri a te (Rossi - Enríquez)
* (Recorded in Italy - Made in U.S.A.)
** (Sung in Italian)
"RITA PAVONE" (The International Teen-age Sensation)
(RCA Victor - LPM 2900 [Mono] /
RCA Victor - LSP 2900 [Stereo] [1964])
1-Remember me (Shelly Coburn) 2'08"
2-Wait and see (Larry Kusik - Ritchie Adams) 2'23"
3-Big deal (James Smith - Phil Andreen) 2'30"
4-Don't tell me not to love you (Chip Taylor) 3'03"
5-I can't hold back the tears (Kornfeld - Keller - Kaufman - Ross) 2'08"
6-Kissin' time (Kal Mann - Bernie Lowe) 2'27"
1-Just once more (Al Western) 2'13"
2-Like I did (Ben Raleigh - Russ Damon) 2'25"
3-The boy most likely to succeed (Lor Crane - Nadine Lewis) 2'30"
4-Little by little (Jean Thomas - Ted Cooper) 2'40"
5-Too many (Earl Shuman - Leon Carr) 2'35"
6-Say goodbye to Bobby (Steward - Bryant) 2'30"
(RCA Victor - LPM 2996 [Mono] /
RCA Victor - LSP 2996 [Stereo] [1964])
1-Wait for me (Sylvia Dee - Arthur Kent) 2'28"
2-If you got a mind to (P. Barrett - R. Maugeri) 2'19"
3-Splish splash (B. Darin - J. Murray) 2'11"
4-He's got everything (Doc Pomus - Mort Shuman) 2'05"
5-Turn her down (B. Raleigh - M. Barkan) 1'56"
6-Baby (When ya kiss me) (J. DeShannon - S. Sheeley) 2'14"
1-It's not easy (Bernabini - George D. Weiss) 2'42"
2-Lipstick on your collar (E. Lewis - G. Goehring) 2'03"
3-I'll wait and wait (Ben Raleigh - John Gluck, Jr.) 2'28"
4-Rubber ball (A. Orlowski - A. Schroeder) 2'20"
5-No one else will ever touch me (Vassallo - Ebb) 2'40"
6-How low is low (Jeff Barry - Ben Raleigh) 2'20"
(RCA Italiana - FPM 177 [1966]) *
1-La zanzara (Wertmüller - Gaspari - Marrocchi - Lanati)
2-I tre porcellini (Misselvia - Churchill)
3-Col chicco (Castellano - Pipolo - Pisano)
4-Mamma dammi la panna (Bonicatti - D. Lee - A. Reynolds)
5-Siam tutti per uno (Wertmüller - Rota)
6-Io cerco la Titina (Daniderf - Frati)
1-Perché due non fa tre (Amurri - Marchetti)
2-Cam cam cammello (Migliacci - Meccia)
3-Libertà (Wertmüller - Rota) **
4-Con un poco di zucchero (Amurri - Pertitas - R. M. Sherman - R. B. Sherman)
5-Orazi e Curiazi (Rossi - Marrocchi - Lanati)
6-Il bersagliere (Rossi - Marrocchi - Lanati)
* (Recorded in Italy - Made in U.S.A.)
** ("Gian Burrasca" is the correct title of the song)
(RCA Victor - FPM 193 [Mono] /
RCA Victor - FSP 193 [Stereo] [1967]) *
1-La partita di pallone (Rossi - Vianello)
2-Come te non c'è nessuno (Migliacci - Vassallo)
3-Datemi un martello (If I had a hammer) (Bardotti - Hays - Seeger) **
4-Alla mia età (Rossi - Robifer)
5-Solo tu (Wertmüller - Pisano)
6-Stasera con te (Chiosso - Wertmüller - Pisano)
1-Cuore (Heart) (Rossi - Mann - Weil) **
2-Sul cucuzzolo (Vianello - Rossi - Vianello)
3-T'ho conosciuto (Rossi - Dansavio)
4-Lui (Migliacci - Zambrini - Enríquez)
5-Il ballo del mattone (Verde - Canfora)
6-Che m'importa del mondo (Migliacci - Enríquez)
* (Recorded in Italy - Made in U.S.A.)
** (Sung in Italian)
"SAN REMO 1969"
(Dischi Ricordi - FIESTA - FLPS 1573 [1969]) *
1-Zingara (Riccardi - Albertelli) Bobby Solo
2-Zucchero (R. Soffici - Guscelli - Ascri - Mogol) Rita Pavone
3-Un'avventura (Battisti - Mogol) Lucio Battisti
4-Un sorriso (Don Backy - M. Detto - Don Backy) Milva
5-Meglio una sera (Piangere da solo)
(A. Salerno - N. Salerno - Franco e Mino Reitano) Franco Say
6-Ragazzo mio (V. Ferri - G. Ferri - P. Pintucci) Ambra Borelli
1-Baci, baci, baci (F. Bracardi - S. Bardotti) Wilma Goich
2-Un'ora fa (Beretta - Panazzini - Intra) Tony Del Monaco
3-Quando l'amore diventa poesia (Mogol - P. Soffici) Milva
4-Zucchero (R. Soffici - Guscelli - Ascri - Mogol) I Dik Dik
5-Il gioco dell'amore (F. Migliacci - I. Callegari) Ambra Borelli
6-Lontano dagli occhi (S. Endrigo - S. Bardotti - S. Endrigo) Franco Say
7-Che freddo fa (F. Migliacci - C. Mattone) Rosalba Archilletti
* (Album compilation [various artists])
* * *
(REAL GONE MUSIC - Sony Music - RGM-0070 [2012]) *
1-Remember me (Coburn) 2'08"
2-Wait and see (Kusik - Adams) 2'23"
3-Big deal (Smith - Andreen) 2'30"
4-Don't tell me not to love you (Taylor) 3'03"
5-I can't hold back the tears (Kornfeld - Keller - Kaufman - Ross) 2'08"
6-Kissin' time (Lowe - Mann) 2'28"
7-Just once more (Western) 2'18"
8-Like I did (Damon - Raleigh) 2'28"
9-The boy most likely to succeed (Crane - Lewis) 2'37"
10-Little by little (Cooper - Thomas) 2'43"
11-Too many (Carr - Shuman) 2'35"
12-Say goodbye to Bobby (Bryant - Steward) 2'31"
13-Heart (I hear you beat) (Weil - Mann) 2'23" **
* (1964 original recordings)
** (Bonus track. 1966 recording)
* * *
(RCA Victor - Sony Music [2014]) *
"Get hold of yourself" (B. Giant - B. Baum - F. Kaye) 2'30" (P) 1964
* (Song posted on the Internet [YouTube] in digital format)
(RCA Victor - Sony Music [2014]) *
"The wrong side of love" (Paul Anka) 2'15" (P) 1964
* (Song posted on the Internet [YouTube] in digital format)
* * *
(Helios Music [1964])
"Turn her down" (B. Raleigh - M. Barkan)
(United Artists Music Group - UAMG 101 [1968]) *
1-Italian (Rita Pavone) 2'08"
2-German (Rex Gildo) 2'26"
3-French (Les Ambassadeurs) 2'17"
4-British (Raymonde's Rainbow Choir) 3'04"
1-Japanese (Peggy Hayama) 3'22"
2-Spanish (Mario Lattre) 1'49"
3-Swedish (Sonja Stjernquist) 2'18"
4-American (The Chipmunks) 2'40"
* (The song "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang" was written by the brothers Robert B. Sherman & Richard M. Sherman. Sung in eight different languages. Album not for sale)
* * *
I would like to purchase non-English albums with Rita's song BIG DEAL on them, Philip Andreen USA (626) 574-5009
ResponderExcluirDear Philip Andreen, the song "Big deal" was recorded by Rita Pavone only in English.